Thank you, North Curry Parish Council!
North Curry Parish Council has voted to sponsor a Community Bell when the peal in the church is renewed. The bell will also commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. It is sponsored out of the council’s own funds, not out of Council Tax.
The Appeal of Bells committee said, ‘We are delighted and grateful that the Parish Council has spoken for the whole community in promising this support. Residents recognise that the bells are for everyone, churchgoers or not: far more have supported the appeal than usually attend church services. As Cockneys are defined by being born within earshot of Bow bells, so the bells of our church remind us that we all belong to the community of North Curry.’
And more ...
Thanks to Mike Dennis and friends, not to mention the large number of families who turned up, an additional £16000 - proceeds from the Jubilee beacon party - has been added to the Appeal. A tremendous result!

And this is what the new bells will look like (by courtesy of St Mary Magdalene church, Taunton, where John Taylor & Co installed 15 new bells in 2016)